2023 National Meets

2023 U.S. National Meet

The CFI Board of Directors has voted to place the USA 2023 national meet with the Michigan Poultry Fanciers show to be held October 14 and 15 in Chesaning, Michigan.

CFI offer awards to CFI members; specifics are yet to be determined and will be announced later.

More information about the Michigan Poultry Fanciers Fowl Fest may be found at http://www.fowlfest.org/.

2023 Canadian National Meet

The board of directors of CFI have voted to place our 2023 Canadian national meet with the Ontario Poultry Breeders show to be held October 21 & 22, 2023 in Grassie, Ontario.

This show is also hosting the 150th APA Canadian National Meet.

OPB will offer awards to the Champion Large, Reserve Large, Champion Bantam and Reserve Bantam Chanteclers. CFI will also offer awards to CFI members; specifics are yet to be determined and will be announced later.

All Chanteclers will be single decked and will be judged early Saturday morning.

Contact info for the show may found at: https://www.poultryshowcentral.com/Ontario_Poultry_Breeders_Show.html

2022 USA National


Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Show, Jefferson, Wisconsin.

BPBC will provide a club table, four Trophies (Champion LF and Bantam in Open and Junior). The club will also give back $1 per bird over the first 50 Chanteclers entered as cash awards to the exhibitors. Additionally, the club will have choice of hired judges and judged early in the day.


National Meets in Canada and the United States are set by the Board of Directors after considering any and all bids solicited by CFI members. Bids from host show clubs usually consist of several of the following: CFI choice of judges the hosting club hires, club table(s), single decking, Chanteclers judged first, plaque-trophy-rosette for best large fowl and bantam Chanteclers, and/or a cash rebate back to CFI. The rebate may be a flat amount based on a specified minimum number of Chantecler entries, or sometimes a flat amount per Chantecler entry, typically $1 per bird entered.

Club Meets are awarded to shows based upon requests from CFI members sent to the Secretary. Requesting CFI members should provide the names of at least three persons (not necessarily CFI members, but we do prefer they be members) who are expected to participate by showing their Chanteclers. CFI will provide cash or other awards to CFI owners of the top placing large fowl and bantam Chanteclers based upon the show reports filled out by the show secretary and returned to the CFI secretary. The show reports are available to download and print from https://chantecler.club.